Bensch - Molecular imagin on the move
Borlée - Respiratory health effects of livestock farm emissions in neighbouring residents
Botros - Detection and treatment of pulmonary vascular disease
Es van - Adjustments in the diagnostic work-up treatment and prognosis of pulmonary embolism
Hellemons - Prediction and prevention of chronic renal impairment in high risk populations
Heukels - Adaptive immunity in ILD and PH
Korevaar - Increasing value in diagnostic research Publication and reporting of test accuracy studies
Kwakkel-van Erp - Immunological risk stratification of the broncholitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplantation
Lee van der - Nitric oxide and carbon monoxide diffusing capacity of the lung
Lieshout van - Exploring Robin sequence
Looman - The early life adaptive immunity
Pol - Improving efficiency of the diagnostic management of pulmonary embolism
Rol - Restoring the balance of the pulmonary endothelium
Terpstra - Clinical aspects and treatment options in non-CF bronchiectasis
Thijs - Obesity-related risk factors for impaired lung function